This week, due to various circumstances, was my first week off work since October. For some alone time, I booked an apartment here in Switzerland and fully indulged in four days of self-care before taking up any studying or working again!
Continue reading “Data visualisation: My week of self-care”Data visualisation: Learning objectives and Gardner’s MI
This week is the last week of school for me, before the Winter break (I know they couldn’t have scheduled that later…), and I took a closer look at the learning objectives I set for this week.
Continue reading “Data visualisation: Learning objectives and Gardner’s MI”Data visualisation: My Teaching and Bloom’s Taxonomy
This week the meaning of my visualisation can be taken quite literally: An area for growth.
Continue reading “Data visualisation: My Teaching and Bloom’s Taxonomy”Data Visualisation: My Commute
Taking notes on my commute offered me more insight than I would have guessed before!
For my visualisation, I decided to focus on my morning and afternoon commute to and from school (my workplace), and therefore I labelled the time in between 10-16 with “my school day “. I used the 24 hour-notation for my time scale because it is common here in Switzerland, especially on train and bus timetables. The scale begins at 6 o’clock and ends at 19 o’clock because I always commuted within these times.
Continue reading “Data Visualisation: My Commute”Trial and Error
I felt the need for a short entry since it’s been a learning curve and I experienced the limits of collecting data today. Originally I planned to collect data on questions in my school environment.
Continue reading “Trial and Error”Attempting Data Collection
This week I tried to record data, read more about my first attempt and my thoughts below.
On the weekend I decided to record my readings over the following days. As a child/teenager I loved to read, but as my job and degree took over, I saw reading more as part of the academic side of my life and not so much of my free time. It’s only since the first lockdown that I found more time, or should I say finally decided to take more time, to read more. From the beginning, it made sense, at least to me, to divide my readings into three categories: academic, for pleasure and for school.
Continue reading “Attempting Data Collection”