Tag Archives: physical

Week 4 – Personal Data Visualisation

Figure 1 – Personal Tracking

A few years ago, I heard Matthew Walker author of Why We Sleep? discussing how important sleep was to pretty much everything we do. Something that is said is that if you don’t get a good night sleep you won’t be able to “take things in.”

Description of the Visualisation

From left to right is each day, each ring/line represents a different recommended amount of activity. The idea of the circles comes from video games and the idea of levelling up (I looked to for this example to explain what I see in my head).



The reason for measuring these was hearing several different articles recently mentioned that people especially since the new year were struggling to sleep and focus and I count myself as one of those people. I notice that when I don’t get a good dose of all three, I struggle with focus and in trying to understand a new topic such as the readings we are tasked with.

I can say that the days on the visualisation that I do not hit the recommended target, that day and the following day are a struggle to concentrate and with that my ability to read and focus drops.