Week 3 – the data visualisation begins!

Welcome everyone to week 3. Today we begin the first block, on the theme of ‘learning with data‘. As outlined in the overview to this block, we begin with a broad view of what ‘learning’ might mean to us in the exploration of data-driven technologies in education. A set of essential and additional readings will guide your thinking throughout this section, as well as the Tweetorial this week, our optional task of digital ‘self-tracking’ in week 4, and our end-of-block reflections in week 5.

The data visualisation assessed task begins today. You should aim to begin collecting some data as soon as possible this week, with the aim of producing and sharing your resulting visualisation by the end of the week.

Our principal way of keeping in touch with each other over this block, alongside the Tweetorial this week, will be commenting on on each other’s data visualisations in your blogs. Please remember to try and set aside some time for this from next week, so that we keep our discussions focused on the data visualisations. However, to support more private and sustained reflections on the block 1 readings, we have a Moodle forum here.

Have a great week everyone!

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